So, yep, I got a gamer (i.e. hubby) who's taking a 3-day vacation to play Diablo III. Well, actually it's a 3.5 day vacation, because he started playing tonight (Tues), and will be off the next three days (Wed, Thurs, Fri). He picked up his pre-ordered copy today.
"Look. Look," he said with a HUGE GRIN, holding up this large box as soon as I came walking in the door from work. And I looked at this box and I'm thinking, What the heck's in there! All that for a CD?
We'll apparently the gamer (i.e. hubby) got the collector edition. It comes with all sorts of goodies: an artistic book, a USB stick with Diablo II on it (with a very nice holder, I might add, with a Soul Stone stuck in Diablo's head), some invites for friends to come and join you in this parade of gaming, a soundtrack and some added background information (Behind The Scenes and the Cinematics) on the game on a Blu-Ray disk, also with DVD of both.
The movies are I N C R E D I B L E!!
I took a picture of this huge box, sitting next to my Stargate coaster. It's a pretty nice box.
The gamer (i.e. hubby) also wanted me to review the book with art, which he knew I would like. And let me say, I flipped gradually through the pages and eyed all sorts of imagination. The grotesque images on some of these demons were pretty cool. I like the faceless angels and the different way of depicting their wings. I really like the map, because that's my thing that I'm partial to about books--maps inside books...I just LOVE.
The book even mentions one female character, which they wanted to emphasize her strength and courage, and not all the "sexy" qualities about her. Hmm... Now, THAT was different. But, I do say I like the sexy in the games, and so do Gamers. They do give that sexy-stuff with some other female characters, as well as a naked Harpie type of thing--nipples showing and all.
For three-minutes when the Gamer (i.e. hubby) walked away to tend to house chores, I took the PC mouse and moved the character around a bit. I just love the detail of these games! The Gamer (i.e. hubby) doesn't look at all of that. He wants to immediately "level up" and kill! kill! kill! I like to view the art and the details painted and drawn inside houses and on characters and the food sitting on tables. Unfortunately, this game is similar to those where you can't zoom in to get all that nice detail in full, but it's clear enough. I like to get close in personal...and maybe one day, they will make all games like that. You know, give that option for those who like that.
The only frustration about the game, just for now, is that you have to have internet connection at ALL TIME to play, and the servers get FULL! The swarm of Gamers are, basically, overloading the system, and that was definitely expected since that, of course, happened during the free Beta testing that was available during a weekend in April. The forums are overloaded and slow, slow, slow, too. The patient, but anxiously waiting, Gamer, gets kicked out of his game occasionally as they work on servers (they give an announcement with a count-down...which you better heed or you'll loose all your stuff!). He also has to wait for newly created characters to save on the server as well...a long wait for him. But once he's in, it works great, and he can keep his spot for a few hours of gaming!
Eventually, the activity on the servers will level out. This bottle-neck right now will ease up. That's the way these things go when they're new.
Needless to say, I'll be a gaming widow for the next several weeks, even though the gamer (i.e. hubby) took a 3-day vacation start to enjoy his fantasy world.
I can understand that. I'm in a fantasy world EVERY SINGLE DAY, with my stories in my head and wishful thinking of this and that of the fantastic. Writers fantasize daily!
It's always fun to be taken out of this world, and take that carpet ride to A Whole New World.
And Gamers's got it like that!
Until Next time :)
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