About Night Before Day

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Need Help? Been There, Done That.

Those who extend a helping hand to those who are unhappy, uncertain, lonely, confused, angry, and filled with anxiety, these helping-hand people who have the answers to help those in emotional need, aren't perfect themselves.

That statement isn't a put-down, like those who revel in the thought of a fallen "So-called Christian". It is a beginning of a reasoning on the WHY you can resolve your problems with the help of those who also have them.

A combined effort of people who are alike to help one another is the only reason why those who TRULY seek help can fix themselves. Don't put down those with normal, but not with immoral, problems, because they are Human. YOU are Human, which makes ALL of us ALIKE. We can identify with each other. We can understand each other. We are familiar with each other. We are CONNECTED to each other...because we are alike.

How many times have you heard these statements:

"You don't really know until you've walked in my shoes."
"You don't know what it was like. You weren't there."
"Well...I'm not you, am I?"
"Of course, YOU wouldn't understand."
"You get it!"

One needs to have what is in likeness in order to feel connected. With that connection, you feel comfortable and understood. That person gets you. And that's all that you need to start the steps to fixing yourself, because the one in front of you, the one who is helping you, has been there.

If you TRULY want to change, seek those of likeness, and go towards the change.
There are those who TALK that TALK, but don't take the steps to WALK that WALK. They don't want to make a change that would solve their problems...they just like to TALK about it.

But those who truly want to change and take that walk, they understand that those steps are very, very hard to face, are very,very hard to make. Those steps are very, very (did I say very again? Why, yes I did) very, very uncomfortable, unnatural, insane, and fearful. Sometimes the steps take you away from family and friends and jobs because you wake up and learn that you have steps that you must walk ALONE, and that you must take yourself outside of the "normal" world for some time in order to accomplish fixing yourself.

Fight against those common words:
"Are you going through a mid-life crisis?!"
"That's just the way things are!"
"You think you can do better!"
"There's nothing more than this."
"You have So MUCH! Why are you willing to just throw it all away? And for what?"
"The grass isn't always greener."

Maybe sometimes having EVERYTHING isn't what you want. Maybe having what people consider NOTHING would make you happy. Maybe having MORE is not what you need. Maybe you need something DIFFERENT in order to be happy.

I'm not talking about not facing your Fears where you have to take responsibility, or go outside yourself for someone else for the greater good. I'm not talking about those situations where you can feel when you must do Right but just afraid to do it.

I'm talking about the sensation of doing what is Right for yourself that you know should be done, but are afraid to do it.

Find your happiness and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. There are those who have been there, done that...and they know you. Or they're extending a hand to you to also help themselves.

Finding happiness, finding a good connection, finding Love for yourself IS a Battlefield.

But you must remember, there's always Night Before Day.

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