I just love how the characters on Spartacus say, "Apologies." It sounds so cute and...proper.
But, really, one needs to only accept, "I'm sorry," only so many times.
My limit is three (3). Depending on what the apology is, sometimes I can only go up to two (2)--especially if it's about the SAME THING.
If someone does it once, that can be forgiven, but if they do it a SECOND time, the same exact thing...well, that goes into premeditated, and intentional.
It's really beneficial to yourself to stay away, and run far, far away, from those who keep apologizing to you.
Apologies should MEAN something, just like a PROMISE. If someone apologizes to you, it should be sincere and it's supposed to be a promise that it won't happen again. At least, that's how it should be.
It doesn't mean anything if it's constantly REPEATED!
And if you're the one who is constantly hearing it, don't you know that it's sucking the life out of you? Yeah, they're like Vampires, draining you drop by drop of your life blood.
"I said I was sorry!"
Uh Huh. Don't you feel the fangs digging in? Slurp. Slurp. Slurp.
Ask yourself why you're tolerating being hurt and disappointed by this "person" constantly. I I put "person" in quotes, because they really aren't people anymore. They're life suckers!
Forget about their excuses on the reasons "why" they did it; forget about "how hard they had it in life;" forget about all the "woes is me" they put out there to make you feel bad (even if you DID do something wrong to them, you don't have to constantly try to make up for it. Did I say constantly? Yeah, Constantly, as in repeatedly, always happening again and again. Forgive yourself because their actions should tell you that they aren't ever going to forgive you); and forget "the consequences" that you think would come if you don't accept the sorries.
Free yourself from the chains that pull at your heart.
And yeah, it's gonna hurt, because we won't so much to believe that things will change...someday. And letting go is never easy.
But, MAN does it feel good after you do!
I'm sorry, but it will :)
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