About Night Before Day

Saturday, December 3, 2011

I Don't Want To Pay For Commercials!!

Okay, so I want to rant about money. Back in the day, CABLE, was something that you paid for to watch movies. So, yes, you paid a fee to get to see movies, and more of them, at a cheaper rate than going to the theaters themselves.


Then, slowly these Cable Companies started adding advertisement. First, it was just ONE, and it was TWO, and now it's almost like regular daytime TV!

Needless to say, I no longer have cable, and haven't had it for three (3) years now.

I don't mind having to watch Commercials for things that are free. I mean, those networks have to pay for the amount of work they put into their art and to keep doing what they do. I don't mind the Commercials in places like Hulu either or at the network's own webpages. Heck...they're FREE.

But I'll be D&%#m if I'm going to pay for Commercials for something I have to pay a monthly fee for. So you Netflix, Xbox, Satellite Radio...all you companies that are offering streaming and I have to PAY something to watch the content.... If you start putting COMMERCIALS on them ALONG with me paying you...?!!! AM CUTTING YOU OFF!

I'll start giving an complete "understanding eye" for those pirates who, in their own way, combat the price gauging and corporate greed.

'nough said. I'm done.  Going to go eat my double-stuff, oreo cookies now. Yum. All better now

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