My tastes of what I like are really slim and really vast. For instance, I like plain desserts. Just give me a white or marble or yellow cake with butter-cream icing. That's it. That's what I like for a dessert. And Candy? Just give me some Mike and Ikes (which I'm absolutely addicted to!), or Brach Jelly Beans or Double-Stuff Oreo Cookies or a delicious Honey Bun--lightly glazed. Well, cookies and Honey Buns aren't candy...but you get what I mean.
But then there's music... which, sometimes, even I don't know what I would get into.
I subscribe to a fellow author (David Gaughran) who was talking about Kickstarter. I ran into Kickstarter reading some other author's blog about how he was using Kickstarter to fund for his Dungeon and Dragon games (Jeff Gupton). Don't ask me how I found him. I run all over the place on the internet and run into sites. You know how it goes with surfing. But back to tastes....
So David Gaughran mentioned this artist and I took a look at her story on how she and her band mates raised enough money, and then some, to do their music tour in the United States using Kickstarter. Then I visited her website and got intrigued with her music. Warning: It's a bit "risque"...well...very risque. She's fun and hits some sensitive subjects like her Missed Me song in the Dresden Dolls Album. And her funny song about Lady Gaga being an artist or not, was what made me then go find out what she actually sings about. I just hit play on the first song on the The Dresden Dolls album (I picked that one since it had the name of one of the Science Fiction TV Series I enjoyed--The Dresden Files) and I sat there listening to it as I type this blog.
Amanda Palmer is one of those artists that people admire--a Free Spirited person that people are drawn to because they wish they could be that comfortable with themselves. One of those true artist types that are rugged and spirited and intelligent and fun! The ones whose light burn out quickly if they're not careful. Hopefully she'll be like Madonna and keep on burning.
After listening to her, I went on YouTube to watch my favorite video, at this moment of time, Hot Wings from the movie Rio (2011).
Tastes...I tell ya. They're scattered all over the place!
Until Next Time.
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