Venery can refer to the following:
The practice or sport of hunting game animals, or the wild animals so hunted.
The practice or pursuit of sexual pleasure, or the indulgence of sexual desire.
In my novel, The Made, that word is a combination of both of those definitions. It was a fun word to find and research, and it also helped me develop the novel around this definition.
The Made is the first novel of a series of novels that totals four (4) books. Each novel reads independently, meaning, they don't have a "to be continued" type of thing (I hate those), but they are all related to the same world and same story.
The Made is my first baby--the first novel that I toiled and sweated over for years to get just right. I didn't mean for it to be as large as it was, but that's how it came out. And being that I have complete control over my creative expression, I can keep this length, which I really like. It tells a complete story as well as satisfies a long relationship between readers and characters.
The characters and scenes and...uh... sex, is all combined to flow with the story. I use sex a lot. It's a tool to bring more emotion out of the story, as well as something fun that I like to write about. I don't consider the scenes to be too much like erotica, but more like romantica--something between erotic and romance--an erotic romance--Romantica!.
I quote Daisy Harris
Erotica describes an individual’s journey in the context of sexual encounters, and erotic romance describes two or more people’s journey in the context of a sexual relationship.
I enjoy maps and I always wanted to have maps in my books. Thus, the Made has a map that I drew myself. Though several of my other books do not have maps, some will have something in them to reference the story, such as The 9th Symbol, which has a chart.
If you have any questions about my books, just give me a shout. I'm at
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